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    翡翠の撮影 / 小田原文化財団 江之浦測候所 New 2025/Jan/14・2025/Feb/25

    野鳥撮影 / 富士山撮影 New 2024/Feb/16・2024/Dec/20

    江ノ島水族館 / 南粤美食 23/NOV/29 / 23/Dec/15

    Kakegawa Bird Park (Kachoen) / Owl Photo (梟 図鑑) New 23/OCT/31

    AIZUWAKAMATU Blog Ver / NIIGATA Blog Ver New 23/JUL/4. 23/Aug/30

    Hokkawa Bousui 2022 Blog Ver / 2023 Mar 高幡不動尊金剛寺 23/Mar/18

    Sakura 2022 / Hokkawa Bousui 2022 22/May/28

    野鳥 22/Feb/06

    Sasuke Inari Shrine 佐助稲荷神社/ Yakusiike Lotus 薬師池 21/Aug/06

    2021元旦 21/01/04

    神代植物公園 2020夏 / 2020 Shinto shrine : 神社 20/12/22

    2019NIPPONIA 小菅 源流の村 20/09/02

    Hotel New Grand 横浜 / 横浜中華街 春節 2020 20/09/02

    2019横浜山下町周辺 Yokohama / 横浜山下公園氷川丸劇場 19/11/03

    2018-2019元旦 / Vietnam Hanoi 2019 19/03/16

    Leica TL2 Snap 2018 Sep / The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko 18/10/07

    Union Oyster House, Boston, MA, 2018 18/07/14

    Hakone Museum Goura Hanaougi / Spring Rose 2018 18/05/27 : 18/05/20

    Thai Kanchanaburi food stalls / Thai Kanchanaburi 2018 18/02/12

    Special dishes for New Year 2018 18/01/08

    2017 Buddha Thailand / 2017 Dec Thailand 17/12/17

    伊豆修善寺温泉 柳生の庄(Izu japan)/妙高高原赤倉観光ホテル(Akakura) 17/10/08

    2016伊豆 奈良偲の里 玉翠 ( Izu Japan) 16/10/09

    Malayshia Penang Island 2016 16/09/10

    Notuda Rose Garden 2016 / Hakone Yugawara 2016 16/08/21

    Hakone Japan 2015 / Yokohama China town 2016春節 16/02/20

    Tokyo Motor Show 2015 15/11/07

    2015 Atami Sekitei / あたみ石亭 15/05/24

    2015 New year 元旦 / 2015Eastern & Oriental / Shangri-La 15/04/11

    Snapshot Osaka 14/10/19

    Travel of India and Bangladesh 14/09/14

    Naka Izu Sagasawakan /Jindai Botanical Gardens 14/08/10

    Yokohama China Town 2014 14/01/03

    Izu Hakone Japan 2013 / 2014 New Year 14/01/03

    Spring 2013 / Hakone Japan 2013 13/05/06

    Hongkong , Vietnam / Taipei Shilin Night Market 13/04/19

    Punjab, India / New Delhi, India 12/10/13

    Atami Sekitei 12/08/17

    Asian Night : Singapore , Indonesia , Vietnam 12/06/10

    Kamakura Yuigahama / Brazil 12/02/18

    Japanese tradition / 2012 New Year 12/01/09

    NYC Times Square-42 Street / Yokohama China Town Re up 11/11/18

    Sakura Saku 2011 / OCHIAIROU MURAKAMI 11/04/30

    Taiwan Kaohsiung Night Bazaar / Thai Bangkok 2011 11/02/11

    Hongkong 2010 10/11/06

    Tropical water lily / Izu-Hokkawa 10/08/11

    Spring Rose 2010 /2008 Hongkong

    Kanazawa Tokyo Ueno Shinbashi / Kawasaki Bay Area

    From El Paso to Chicago / Windsor&Eton Central Sta.

    Ooga Lotus / Kyoto

    Kamakura Inamuragasaki 2007/Bangkok Sukhumvit (Thailand)

    The Final Dress Rehearsal / The Merchant of Venice

    Kindly chinese people / Asakusa Japan

    Duo lun road / Yuanyang country people

    Yuanyang country people / Yuanyang terraced field

    Shanghai Museum / Dragon Gate Village People 04/09/25

    Autumn colors / Religion and life 04/08/28

    Tai Hu Village / Vernal Sunshine Tai Hu Lake

    Ling Tang Bay / Mei Hua 2004

    Vanish Old Town HonKou / Nan Xiang Town Sanghai

    Workers / One day of the riverside Town

    China west Lake Wedding Ceremony/ Classical Chinese Opera

    Riverside Tong Li / China Lotus

    China kids / China Cats

    In summer evenings / Zhongshan park Shanghai



    Window / Water front life

    Macau Pousada de Sao Tiago

    Old Shanghai / Live Band

    Macau / Lamp

    Fireman of Hong Kong / Star Ferry

    Gold Coast / Wong Tai Sin Temple

    Hill Wood Street. / Holiday afternoon.

    Malaysia / Dalian China

    Singapore / Hong Kong Central

    China. Beigin.Tanjin / Shanghai / Thailand

    My House's Cat


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