Uploaded: 2024 / Jul / 25 ------ What's New? ------ Since: 26th Dec 1999 --Thanks visitors

ライカの海で溺れてみたい 貴方 いらっしゃいませ!
Welcome to my Leica Web site ! What's New?

Photo Gallery: Specializing in Snap portrait photography and imagined photography,
Leica SL・Leica SL2・Leica R・Leica M・Leica TL2・Lumix DC-S1-R・etc.
Lens classification Photo Gallery
Hasselblad 6X6
Square Photographs

Things that might interest you:Leica SL・SL2・Leica R・Leica M・Leica TL2・Lumix DC-S1-R・Sigma・etc.
Leica L-Mount lenses・R-Lens・M-Lens・Special Pentax Lens・Nikkor Lens・Carl Zeiss Lens・Sigma Lens
Photo Equipment
The Leica Meet / Flickr Explore! Many thanks to the LFI editors for choosing my photo for their prestigious gallery.
The Leica Meet / Flickr Explore! selected Photo
LFI.Leica Fotografie International Gallery Selected
LFI selected Photo 2023
LFI selected Photo 2024

Guest Gallery: This article appears only in Japanese
  • Guest Gallery Photo by Kazunobu Kojima 「 Light and Shadow - Myanmar 」
  • The Cine Camera lens WorldKern Yvar 75mm f2.8 / Apochromat KINOPTIK 75mm f2.0
  • Profile : Author and about this Web Site

  • Forum:This blog is only displayed in Japanese
  • Photo BBS 画像掲示板・カメラ・レンズが好きな方 お気軽にどうぞ
  • BlogHoShoRanda leica Nikki「放縦懶惰ライカ日記」思いつきアレコレ編集後記的ブログ
  • BlogPhoto Voyage「物欲写真集」Tumblr

    Feature Articles: This article appears only in Japanese
  • Leica Digital LaboratoryLeica SL・SL2・Leica M Typ240・Leica TL2・Lumix DC-S1R・etc.
  • Midnight mutter ColumnPhoto equipment, Audio and camera bags
  • HASSELBLAD 500CM What's the appeal of Hasselblad?
  • Yuanyang terraced field Yuanyang rice terrace photography trip・天藾の城 元陽 棚田撮影 中国雲南省の旅

  • Photo LINK Photo industry related links

  • NN4.7 IE5.x IE6.x NN6 NN7 safari 動作確認済み. Photo Link Friends! A Selection of Excellence from The Leica Meet LFI.Gallery おカメラ御神籤 一日一回だよ Post


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